Process water
What is process water?
In many production processes, water is used as a product or as a resource. Thus, process water is the water that is used in the food and beverage industry, in manufacturing processes, in energy generation or comparable applications. It is used in operating processes or in the manufacture of products. In the process, the water is often used several times (recirculation) and treated accordingly between the individual production steps to increase economic efficiency.
Which application examples are there for process water?
- Parts cleaning before surface finishing such as painting in the automotive industry, coating, gilding.
- Final cleaning for stain-free drying, e.g. optical industry and flat glass production
- Chemical industry e.g. for cooling towers
- All general uses of water in industry, especially for cleaning purposes
Which Herco units are suitable for process water treatment?
Depending on the origin and quality of the raw water (drinking, well or surface water), process water is produced using filtration, softening, desalination or a combination of different technologies. The quality requirements for process water vary depending on the industry and application, but in many cases fully desalinated water with a conductivity of < 20 µS/cm is required.
Herco offers more than twenty years of experience with systems for recirculating process water for a wide range of applications: The concepts are adapted to the respective specification and application. Due to the savings in water, energy and chemicals, operating costs can be reduced by more than 70 %, which means that the plants pay for themselves in a very short time.
Applied water treatment technologies:
- Pre-treatment with filtration systems (sand filters, multi-layer filters or ultrafiltration), iron and manganese removal and softening systems.
- Desalination by means of membrane technology, e.g. nanofiltration or reverse osmosis
All of our products can be found in our product overview.