Waterguide for water treatment
Technical knowledge and expertise from our engineers
We have compiled explanations and definitions of the most important terms in water treatment. In our Waterguide, we have divided these explanations into categories; you can then use these to narrow down topics. Or simply use the technical term search and you will find what you are looking for. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Activated carbon Filtrasorb 300
The activated carbon Filtrasorb 300 is a highly effective granulate activated carbon, which is used in water treatment to remove taste-producing and odorous substances, as well as dissolved organic compounds.
AFM® NG has a unique hydrophobic surface for the advanced adsorption of organics and microplastics. It is an inert and amorphous aluminium silicate (glass)..
Alkalinity refers to the ability of an aqueous solution to maintain its pH value when acid is added. It is also called acid binding capacity or buffer capacity.
Ammonium and ammonia
The better known substance of the two is ammonia (molecular formula NH3, atomic mass 17 g/mol) and is present as a gas in the alkaline range.
An Overview of our filter media
Here you can gain an overview of the application areas of our filter media.
Anthracite N
Anthracite N is one of the filter materials that is found in nature. It is extracted from the sea at a depth of around 1500 m and then cleaned, crushed and sieved to removed unwanted foreign particles.
This filter medium is an aluminium silicate that is coated with manganese dioxide. No chemicals are used for regeneration and water is sufficient for backwashing.
Blowdown units
Herco blowdown units and bypass metering sections for controlled limitation of thickening in open cooling circuits and air scrubbers.
Calcium is an alkaline earth metal (symbol Ca, atomic number 20, atomic mass 40 g/mol). It is one of the most common elements in the Earth's crust and is a major constituent of water in terms of quantity. Calcium is also an essential element for almost all living creatures.
Carbon dioxide
In normal conditions, carbon dioxide (symbol CO2, atomic mass 44 g/mol, density 1.98 g/cm3) is a colourless gas with an acidic odour. Under high pressure, CO2 is liquid and can be stored in pressurised gas cylinders.
Central concentrate supply
When using a CeCon 3000 central concentrate supply unit, the concentrate is delivered in bulk packs instead of single-use canisters.
Central single pass reverse osmosis
Our high-quality reverse osmosis system solutions for your dialysis centre combine state-of-the-art technology with the highest safety standards.
Central twin pass reverse osmosis
Optimum and maximum operational reliability is achieved by using a twin pass reverse osmosis system.
Chemical free hardness measurement
Ion-selective hardness measurement is a technique used to determine the concentration of specific ions, such as calcium and magnesium, in a liquid, typically water.
Chloride is the short name for the chlorine anion (Cl-). Chlorine (symbol Cl, atomic number 17, atomic mass 35.5 g/mol) is in the 7th main group and belongs to the halogen elements.
Cleaning and descaling pumps
Cleaning and descaling pumps are used to remove limescale deposits from a wide range of industrial and commercial units.
Colours of hydrogen
Although hydrogen is a colourless and odourless gas, different colours appear around the future of energy production. The reason for this is that hydrogen is given different names depending on how it is produced.
Conductivity is the ability of a conductive chemical substance or mixture of substances to conduct or transfer energy or other substances or particles in space.
Conductivity meters
Conductivity meters measure the electrical conductivity of the demineralised water between two electrodes in µS/cm.
Ultimate precision when dosing biocides, gaseous biocides directly from the delivery containers, and antiscalant. Dosing is even reliable with high concentrations in low feed volumes.
Electrodeionisation (abbreviated to “EDI”) or electrodialysis is a process for the continuous desalination of permeate from a reverse osmosis unit.
Electrolysis types: AEL, AEM, PEM, SOEC
Ultrapure water is the central raw material in electrolysis. Scalable frame and container plants produce ultrapure water for the electrolyser. Four different electrolysis technologies can be distinguished in this context.
Filox R
Filox R is a filter medium of which 75 – 85% consists of manganese dioxide. In many cases, the filter medium can be used without additional oxidation. This depends, however, on the oxygen present.
In the case of water content, a distinction is made between solid particles and dissolved substances. Solid particles such as suspended solids and granular particles are almost completely removed by filtration if the particle size and density are high enough.
Flow measurement
Flow measurement, or volumetric flow measurement, involves the measurement of the passage of a liquid, gas or steam through a pipe.
Frequency controller
The activated carbon Filtrasorb 300 is a highly effective granulate activated carbon, which is used in water treatment to remove taste-producing and odorous substances, as well as dissolved organic compounds.
Generation units
Generation systems for water treatment are technical units that purify and treat water for predefined applications and remove impurities that could endanger certain purity and quality standards.
Hardness monitoring devices
Automatic hardness monitoring for the automatic monitoring of soft water downstream of the softening unit. A downstream reverse osmosis unit can be switched off automatically in the event of a hardness breakthrough.
Hygienic Design
In food and beverage manufacturing, reliably high water quality is essential. Clean water is needed e.g. as an ingredient , for cleaning and as process water.
Like oxygen, silicon and aluminium, iron (symbol Fe, atomic number 26, atomic mass 55.85 g/mol) is one of the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust (5%). Iron is known for its brown colour which it takes on when it comes into contact with oxygen.
Iron and manganese removal
Iron and manganese removal are technical processes in water technology for removing iron and manganese from water.
Lime-carbonic acid equilibrium
The lime-carbonic acid equilibrium (also known as calcite saturation) refers to the chemical equilibrium between dissolved lime/calcium carbonate (CaCO3, CaO oder Ca(OH)2), carbonic acid (H2CO3) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Manganese belongs to the group of metals (symbol Mn, atomic number 25, atomic mass 55 g/mol) and is found in very low concentrations (950 g/t) in the Earth’s crust (iron is present at 50 g/t).
Membrane degasser
Membrane degassing is used to reduce the amount of dissolved CO2 in the permeate of a reverse osmosis unit, or potentially between the first and second stage of a reverse osmosis unit.
Mixed-bed demineralisation
In addition to undissolved impurities (particles), most water contains varying concentrations of dissolved ions. Metals and hydrogen are present as cations (positive charge), acid residues and hydroxyl ions as anions (negative charge).
Similar to ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, nanofiltration is a pressure-operated membrane separation process for filtering an impure solution.
Oxygen (symbol O, atomic number 6, atomic mass 16 g/mol) is the most common element found in the Earth’s crust and the geosphere (48.9%). It is also the second most common element on the planet (30%; iron is the most common).
Ozone generators
Ozone is used in the pharmaceutical industry because its high oxidation potential effectively kills germs and successfully removes microorganisms and impurities such as organic substances, chemicals and odours.
pH value
pH is the abbreviation for “potential of hydrogen”. The pH value is defined as the negative decadic logarithm and is the opposite of the pOH value.
Pharmaceutical water
Pharmaceutical water, which is produced specifically for pharmaceutical purposes, must fulfil strict quality standards. The microbiological purity of the water is important to ensure the safety of medicines.
Pressure booster units
Pressure booster units compensate for fluctuations in network pressure, such as those caused by changing flow rates. In addition, intelligent controllers prevent pressure surges in the system.
Pressure measurement
Pressure refers to a force acting on a surface. Mathematically, this relationship is expressed by the quotient p = F/A, which contains the units Newton for the force F and m² for the surface area A.
Pure steam
Pure steam is used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce pharmaceutical water and to sterilise production facilities in order to meet the high quality requirements.
Reverse osmosis
The natural flow of osmosis from low concentration to high concentration is reversible when external pressure is applied to the highly concentrated solution.
Reverse osmosis with heat disinfection
You can only maintain a consistently high water quality if you regularly disinfect the entire water circuit, including the reverse osmosis unit.
Sand and silex
Sand (silica) is the oldest filter material found in nature due to its many different forms (sand, silex, gravel).
SDI is short for silt density index. It is used to express the amount of particles in the water. It is also used to predict the fouling tendency of a membrane.
Silica is a product that is formed when silicon (symbol Si, atomic number 14, atomic mass 28 g/mol) and water react. Silicon makes up 27.7% of the Earth’s crust, and is the second most abundant element in the crust after oxygen.
Softening units exchange the hardeners of calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions using a strongly acidic exchange resin.
Softening units
Softening units exchange the hardeners of calcium and magnesium ions for sodium ions using a strongly acidic exchange resin.
Herco offers a range of permeate tanks in sizes up to 4,000 litres. All of the tanks are easy to maintain and are ready for different options to be installed.
TDS stands for “total dissolved solids” and indicates the amount of dissolved substances in a liquid medium. The dissolved substances can be both inorganic and organic. The concentration is always specified in ppm (parts per million).
Temperature is a state variable with the symbol T. Germany uses the well-known degrees unit Celsius (°C), invented by the Swedish astronomer, mathematician and physicist Anders Celsius.
The TOC value (Total Organic Carbon) refers to the total amount of carbon compounds in a sample that can be attributed to organic substances.
Turbidex consists solely of the mineral aluminosilicate (zeolites) and has remarkable sediment filtration properties.
Ultrafiltration is a filtration process from the field of membrane technology that can be used to separate and concentrate macromolecular substances and small particles from a medium.
UV disinfection
An environmentally friendly and easy-to-use method is to expose water to ultraviolet light (UVC). The UV exposure is approved according to the German Drinking Water Ordinance (Section 11, Part II on disinfection procedures) – it reliably kills bacteria and viruses.
The Water Resources Act (WHG) defines wastewater as the water contaminated by domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or other use.
Water treatment units
Many industrial manufacturing processes depend on clean water. Water in its natural state cannot be used in sensitive areas and therefore requires purification in advance.
In our Waterguide you will find in-depth Information on all aspects of water treatment
Water treatment describes the process of removing contaminants and pollutants from water to make it safe and/or pure for industrial or medical applications. Water treatment can involve a combination of different physical, chemical and biological processes such as filtration, sedimentation, disinfection, reverse osmosis and activated carbon adsorption. The goal is to produce water of a certain quality necessary for subsequent processes.
Water treatment is important in industry for various reasons. For example for:
- Process water: In many industries, water is used as a raw material in various production processes. Here it is important that the water used meets certain quality requirements and is free of contamination.
- Or cooling water: Many industrial plants need cooling water to regulate the temperatures in machines and equipment. The cooling water must be free of impurities to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment. Water treatment ensures that the cooling water has the required quality.
In medicine, water purification can be used in several ways. For example, in the production process of medicines and medical devices, pure water is often needed to ensure that the products are free of contaminants.
The water treatment also plays an important role in dialysis treatment, in which the blood of patients with kidney failure is purified. Thereby, the water must be extremely pure in order to prevent impurities from entering the patient's body. In addition, water treatment is also important in the process of cleaning and disinfecting medical equipment and instruments to ensure that they are free of germs and other harmful contaminants.
Water treatment in medicine is an important process that helps to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical products and procedures. The water treatment units have special features of their own: They have an almost dead-zone free design with a high stainless steel content.