News - Our new website is online

September 2022

Our new website is online!


After more than a year of self-reflection, old things are still of the highest value, our vision has been written down since last year and our website is now online in a classy new look as of today.


We have given our internet presence a face. And we are, as always, there for you as contact persons, advisors and water experts. With our new presence, this Herco matter of course is digitally underpinned.

Our business relationships in the B2B sector have always been based on trust. Our values "Herco quality", "Herco competence" and "Herco reliability" have always distinguished us and are presented through content on

Learn more about our sector competences, get notified about our free webinars in our newsletter, browse our water guide or get an idea of our career opportunities.

Have fun discovering!

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